Use vinegar on a napkin to erase the pencil, if needed. The pencil’s eraser can destroy the egg’s surface.
Search “pysanky egg designs” online and many options will appear. Start with simple beginner designs and work your way up to advanced.
A simplified version of decorating these Ukrainian Easter eggs!
12 Dakota Layers Empty Eggshells
Boiling water for each dye cup
Acid dye or food coloring (acid dye will produce brighter colors)
Small bowls or plastic containers for dye cups
Kistka (a stylus with a small funnel tip, used to hold and draw melted wax onto eggs)Matches
4. Using the kistka, cover the lines on the egg that you would like to remain white with the melted wax.
5. Dip the egg in the lightest color dye until it’s saturated and let If you want to add another color, use the kistka wax to cover the areas as needed. dip the egg in a different, darker color dye. To add more colors, repeat as needed. let the egg dry.
6. Remove the wax by placing the egg above a candle. wipe the melted wax off with a napkin. This is how you remove the wax covering the egg shell itself and lower-level colors.
Use vinegar on a napkin to erase the pencil, if needed. The pencil’s eraser can destroy the egg’s surface.
Search “pysanky egg designs” online and many options will appear. Start with simple beginner designs and work your way up to advanced.
To Empty the Egg Shells
Try out some of our favorite recipes using Dakota Layers eggs.